My close friend, Mader L, gave birth to a very pretty baby girl, E last Wednesday. We visited them during lunch the next day. E is so cute! Chubby cheeks, pouting lips, and whenever she opens her eyes, it seems to those who looks at her, that she's trying to understand what people are saying around her.
Anyways, E's birth story was unexpected. I dunno if I will be able to recount the real story but I hope I do justice with it.
E's the third child of Mader L and Ninong Mah. For the first two boys, Mader L, gave birth in the normal way. So, despite her size and all, she's someone whom you'll admire. And of course, this being the third child, we were all hoping that it will be an easy pregnancy for her. It was. Though, photo finish for Baby E for turning at her 38th week. Her 40th week came, cervix still not dilated. But, not quite worried, because during the first two, her experience was to give birth at 40th+ week.
Wednesday came. Her OB (also my OB) asked her to come for a check up. They found out that she's 2.5 cm dilated. Hurrah! She was not allowed to go home anymore as the doctor said that she'll give birth by lunch time. They broke her waterbag. And strapped her with the drip (the one that makes you contract). Lunch time came and gone, she was only at 3cm. I sent her sms and asked her about her check up. She didn't answer, Ninong Mah called me and told me what's going on. I told him that we'll be praying for them and even joked that the princess is taking her time to come out because for sure she'll be spoiled by her daddy.
Around 730PM, Ninong Mah called Pre and was quite pissed off at the OB coz the OB was hinting of Mader L undergoing caesarian section. She was only 5cm dilated. Quite slow with the drip on. Mader L was scared and doesn't want to have c-section.
Dawter T and I prayed for Mader L. We texted Ninong Mah afterwards and near 11PM, He called and informed us that Baby E is finally out. And, despite their initial reaction, Mader L had to undergo C-section as the baby's head couldn't go down the right path thus the slow dilation and delivery.
Though the delivery was not what they expected, it was the best way to bring Baby E to the world.

Welcome to the world, Baby E!
Anyways, E's birth story was unexpected. I dunno if I will be able to recount the real story but I hope I do justice with it.
E's the third child of Mader L and Ninong Mah. For the first two boys, Mader L, gave birth in the normal way. So, despite her size and all, she's someone whom you'll admire. And of course, this being the third child, we were all hoping that it will be an easy pregnancy for her. It was. Though, photo finish for Baby E for turning at her 38th week. Her 40th week came, cervix still not dilated. But, not quite worried, because during the first two, her experience was to give birth at 40th+ week.
Wednesday came. Her OB (also my OB) asked her to come for a check up. They found out that she's 2.5 cm dilated. Hurrah! She was not allowed to go home anymore as the doctor said that she'll give birth by lunch time. They broke her waterbag. And strapped her with the drip (the one that makes you contract). Lunch time came and gone, she was only at 3cm. I sent her sms and asked her about her check up. She didn't answer, Ninong Mah called me and told me what's going on. I told him that we'll be praying for them and even joked that the princess is taking her time to come out because for sure she'll be spoiled by her daddy.
Around 730PM, Ninong Mah called Pre and was quite pissed off at the OB coz the OB was hinting of Mader L undergoing caesarian section. She was only 5cm dilated. Quite slow with the drip on. Mader L was scared and doesn't want to have c-section.
Dawter T and I prayed for Mader L. We texted Ninong Mah afterwards and near 11PM, He called and informed us that Baby E is finally out. And, despite their initial reaction, Mader L had to undergo C-section as the baby's head couldn't go down the right path thus the slow dilation and delivery.
Though the delivery was not what they expected, it was the best way to bring Baby E to the world.

Welcome to the world, Baby E!