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If I join tweeter, this would be a standard tweet for me :

I want to go home!!!

Sad but true. I just don't have the energy and drive to work these past few days. Must be PMSing. I am getting old. Body aches here and there. And, I want to sleep, scrap and not think about work. Ha! All I can think about is food.

What's worst this week is that my "inspiration" to wake up doesn't have school! He! So, it's really doubly hard. Though as soon as I got out from the bathroom, I would wake them up by throwing pillows at them. Yeah. Please don't go to child services hihihi my girls love pillow fights!


Tita Avine said…
you have to start taking regular vitamins...believe me, it's the start but you can prevent it if you do...the misconception of vitamins just increasing our appetite, true but that's when we use our discipline and right choces of food intake. Vitamins are good ebcause it really builds up ones stamina, energy adn resistance. believe me, the last 5 yrs were my healthiest, the rest, chos, sakitin masyado and nakakapagod lagi may sakit at lagi gloomy...helps our mental state as well...luv yah..

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