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Are You Happy?

During my appraisal, my boss asked me if I am happy with my work. He felt that I lacked the zeal I used to have.

1. I come in at 9:30AM instead of 8:30AM.
2. I am not as patient with my users as I used to.

At the start of the year, I told myself that I will change but the thing is, it's still pending. Could it be that I am really not happy? When will I find job satisfaction?


marikit said…
hi salme. i was in a semi-same situation back there in sing. the difference is that i didn't lose the zeal to perform at work but i was always 'unhappy' being at work while leaving my baby with the yaya's care.

it was quite a long battle in my head, ie to quit or not to. thankfully, i am at peace now where i am.

just pray for guidance and let Him take you where He wants you to be.
don't be afraid to make a change.

take care.
Unknown said…
i think we can always choose and decide to be happy. but being career women and working moms, i really feel for you. whatever it is that we decide, God will always be with us. =)
Unknown said…
i say amen to the 2 comments given to you. You have a choice, but yet, remember always, one can never get all that he/she wants in life. You can be happy at home, being a stay home mom, but remember what sacrifices you have to tackle financially. So it's your priority. Others sacrifice $$ for the security of being a stay home mom. Learn to be content is the key, as aspostle Paul wrote in Phil 4:11-12. Whether in need or in abundance, be content. try to practice changing your mind frame, and find joy in whatever you do, no matter how hard it may be. I read "one cannot live a psitive life if one has a negative mind." ponder on it...and be thanksful in all circumstances.

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