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Crayons and Tissue Paper

Bebi A has been making our house her one big blackboard (whiteboard, whatever!). Our yellow sofa has some work of art now, she used blue ballpen on that one. She has also tried her luck on her ate's white board. She has drawn some things on the edge of the white board with red pentel pen. A part of our wall has some crayon stained art.

With all that, Pre has disciplined her by spanking her palm.

One day, she used her ate's crayons to write on our marble floor. Ate A saw her and said, "lagot ka kay daddy, palo!" (I didn't hear that) She quickly run to the bathroom and took some tissue paper. I was quite curious as to why. She was so funny because when she run to the bathroom, you can see the panic on her face. And, she couldn't even tear the tissue paper, it just kept on rolling hahaha She managed to jerk one piece. That's when she run back to the living room. I followed her and found out that she has done some artwork on our floor. She scrubbed the floor with the tissue paper --- (with 1 piece of tissue paper). I almost laughed at her but I had to be a little stern faced so that she won't do it again.


Rhonny25 said…
hahaha katuwa na si baby A. thank you po for sharing this hehehe ambilis ng panahon ambilis na nila magsilakihan :)
salme said…
ambilis talaga po, minsan gusto ko titigan na lang yung 2 matulog. kaso pag gising na, parang may riot sa bahay namin hahaha

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