I am not much into change. Actually, most of the time, I dread it. When I am already complacent, already into my routines, it just simply cramps my style. Maybe because I am a worry-wart. Thus, when change is about to happen, I start to think of all the possible things that could go wrong. The thing that is synonymous with this is control. I think it's because sometimes I like to have the power over things so that they can go my way. Yeah, right, might as well wish to be a superhero then!
Never did God gave me that power - probably thinking that I will not be able to use it well. Nor did He tried to avert changes in my life --- in fact, He's giving me a lot. He's making me learn to adjust.
Never did God gave me that power - probably thinking that I will not be able to use it well. Nor did He tried to avert changes in my life --- in fact, He's giving me a lot. He's making me learn to adjust.