Last night, I got into a bit of panic. I was thinking how would I take care of three girls. Hehehe... I was so used to having Ate A in Singapore that having 2 then was fairly easy. I am a working mom. I leave at before 7am. How do I prepare the baby for child care? I don't think Pre will be able to bathe the baby hahaha So many things were running through my mind and I had to stop and breathe. I asked Dawter A to hug me. Then I asked Dawter A. "When the baby comes out, what are we going to do?" She answered, "You will take care of the baby and I will take care of the dog." It seemed so simple for her (and Oh so sneaky). You see, we don't have a dog. Hahaha. -o- On another note, I was able to convince Dawter T to talk to the baby. She had to take a few moments to do it. She's still icky talking to my tummy. I wish she'd see and feel the baby move so that it will be come real to her....