Lately, I've been in a black mood. You can even read about it from my previous posts. Since April came in, it seemed like I am strugging to keep it together, at home, at work and even at "play". It could be because of my long list of TO DOs... Which instead of getting shorter, it just seemed getting longer and longer. The "kiasu" in me wants to have to the list trimmed down so that I can breathe. And, it's not happening. Anyway... I finally acknowledged to myself that I cannot do it --- ALONE. I uttered a simple prayer while I was in bus travelling to work. "Lord, turn my life around, even a tiny bit". After that, I called Ate A and asked her to prepare. We're going to OZ embassy to get her visa. I was thinking that I haven't prayed enough, haven't asked the Lord enough for one wish to be granted. *insert smile here hehehe* While at work, I printed all the necessary documents and asked for time-off. Rushed to OZ embassy, there were a fe...